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Journal of Krishi Vigyan
Ethnobotanical Inventory on Medicinal Plants of North Western Himalayas
2012 •
sharma bharat
The present study highlights useful ethno-botanical information about the uses of plants by the rural population of Jammu province. The study was conducted in eight tehsils of five districts of Jammu province. This folk wisdom, if subjected to scientific studies, could benefit humankind in many ways. The present paper provides information on the indigenous therapeutic application and other traditional uses of 40 plant species belonging to 27 families that are used by the natives of these areas. Information provided includes scientific name, family name, vernacular names and ethno-botanical use clubbed with the common uses. Ethno-botanical plant species were recorded for their medicinal uses and for other remedial purposes by the local inhabitants.
Indian Medicinal Plants
sachin chandran
Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources
Traditional usage of medicinal plants in humans and animals health care and their chemical constituents from hills and valleys of Jammu province, Western Himalaya
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Ethnomedicinal plants traditionally used in healthcarepractices by inhabitants of Western Himalaya
Rainer W Bussmann
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Inspite of tremendous advances made in allopathic medicine, herbal practice still plays an important role in management and curing various ailments in remote and rural areas of India. However, traditional knowledge on the use of medicinal plants is eroding day by day and there is a need to document such knowledge, before it is lost forever. The aim of the present study was to document the indigenous and traditional knowledge of medicinal plants used by local inhabitants in and around Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary of Indian Himalaya for the advancement of biomedical research and development. Materials and methods: The intensive field survey was carried out at three different altitudes of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary (KWLS) and its adjoining areas. The inhabitants were interviewed about the local name of plants having ethno-medicinal values, plant parts used, mode of processing/application and preparation and dosage through discussions and semi structured questionnaires. Results: A total of 97 medicinal plant species belonging to 52 families and 83 genera were reported for curing various ailments like fever, cough, cold, digestive disorders, constipation, menstrual disorders etc. Out of 97 plant species reported, 21 are rare or threatened. Literature review revealed that 11 out of the 97 plant species are reported with new therapeutic uses. The most frequently utilized plant part was the root/rhizome (33%) followed by leaf (27%). In some cases whole plant was utilized. A few medicinal plants had some veterinary uses also. Conclusion: The study provides comprehensive information about the eroding indigenous and traditional knowledge of medicinal plants used by local inhabitants in a part of Western Himalaya, India. The identification of the active ingredients of the plants used by the local people may provide some useful leads for the development of new drugs and such new approaches of traditional knowledge regarding medicinal plants and laboratory analysis might help pharmaceutical industry in new chapters for the wellbeing of mankind.
Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences
Medicinal Plants in Local Health Traditions (LHTs): Dharmanagar Sub-division, Tripura, India
gyati anku
International Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicine 2:6 (2012)954:966 Traditional Ethno-Medicinal Plants Use By The Darlong Tribes In Tripura, Northeast India
Kimi Darlong
The present investigation deals with indigenous ethno-medicinal knowledge of Darlong community in Tripura, northeast India. The ethno-medicinal exploration reveals their traditional usage of diverse plant species as both deterrent and therapeutic agent for different ailments. The study comprises customary usage of 39 plant species belonging to 38 genera and 24 families, along with their local name and various parts used. It is observed that Asteraceae, Verbenaceae and Euphorbiaceae are the most prevailing families (4 genera, 4 species in Asteraceae; 3 genera, 4 species in Verbenaceae and; 3 genera, 3 species in Euphorbiaceae), followed by Araceae, Lamiaceae and Zingiberaceae etc. The most common plant part used in their formulations are leaves and barks for various ailments like gonorrhea, jaundice, diarrhea, ascariasis, arthritis, gall bladder and kidney stone, etc. The herbal formulation provided in this paper may afford further possibility for potential drug development.
SSR Institute of International Journal of Life Sciences
ABSTRACT- Medicinal plants have been used from the Vedic era. For thousands of years, they have been used to treat and prevent many types of diseases along with epidemics. Some medicinal plants also utilized as pleasant condiments, to flavor, to dye, for conserve food etc. Almost every portion of the plant has own medicinal properties. Different types of secondary metabolites found in the medicinal plants which play an important role in many kinds of diseases and also used for manufacturing medicines. A large number of the plants are also reported to possess many other activities like anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-insecticidal, anti-parasitic, antibiotic, anti-hemolytic properties etc, also used widely by the tribal people all over the world. The traditional medicinal uses of 23 plants species belonging to different families are reported in this review article. Key-words- Traditional medicine, Medicinal plants, Anti-oxidant, Medicinal plants
Dr.G.N.Pramodini*, Syed Hafeez , Dr.Shaik Mohd Khasim
Editor iajps
The ethnobotanical survey was conducted to collect information about medicinal plants used traditionally for the treatment of various diseases. Various medicinal plants were collected from the Moolika vanam which is under the maintenance of Department of Medicinal Plants board that is located in Aziz Nagar, Hyderabad district, Telangana state. Traditional uses of 20 plant species spread over 12 families are described under this study. The medicinal plants are arranged by Scientific name, Common name, Family name, Plant parts used and Therapeutic uses. The plants documented in this survey belong to the families such Acanthaceae, Annonaceae, Burseraceare, Combertaceae, Fabaceae, Longaniaceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae, Poaceae, Solanaceae, Lythraceae, Scruphulariaceae. Present Ethonobotanical survey revealed that the medicinal plants still play a vital role in the primary health care of the people. The traditional Medicinal Plants knowledge is very much necessary for the today’s generation as to correctly identify and use the plant knowledge correctly for mankind. Key word: Ethnobotanical, Poaceae, Scruphulariaceae, traditional Medicinal.
Study of some Plants used as Medicine by Local People of Chaugan Village of Bankura District , West Bengal , India
2016 •
shyamal mallick
Introduction Ethno-botany deals with the studies among the tribal and rural people for recording their unique knowledge about plant wealth and search of the new sources of herbal drugs, edible plants and other aspect of plants. The term “Ethnobotany” was first used by American Botanist John William Harsberger in 1895 to describe the study of people’s use of plants, including medicinal plants. Use of plants to cure specific ailments is an age old practice in our country. It is considered as an indigenous systemand has been documented in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and other type of therapies, but during the last century there has been a rapid extension of allopathic medicinal treatment in India and presently it has become one of the most prevalent systems of medicine in the modern society.
Medicinal Plants Sector in Northern India: An Ethno-Medicinal Appraisal
2015 •
tariq bhat
India is one of the world's top 12 mega biodiversity countries with 10 bio-geographic regions and two biodiversity hotspots. The climatic and altitudinal variations, coupled with varied ecological habitats of the country, have contributed to the development of immensely rich vegetation with a unique diversity in medicinal plants. The medicinal plant species have made an outstanding contribution in treatment of several disorders like memory loss, osteoporosis, immune and age-related problems, and even some deadly diseases like AIDS and cancer. In recent past, the traditional knowledge based treatment has gained a wide recognition worldwide due to an increased faith in herbal medicine in view of its lesser side effects compared to allopathic medicine. The main objectives of present study were to explore the potential in medicinal plant resources, to understand the challenges and opportunities within the medicinal plant sector, and also to suggest recommendations based upon the pre...